H índice scopus wikipedia

Descrição. Os membros do género Telamatoscopus apresentam antenas de coloração esbranquiçada e pontos brancos nos bordos das asas e nos extremos dos segmentos das patas. [5]Alimentam-se de detritos (são detritívoros). [5] [6] Ocorrem em locais húmidos e ricos em matéria orgânica em decomposição, sendo comuns em drenos, galerias de esgotos e fossas sépticas.

Indeks-h (bahasa Inggris: h-index) merupakan indeks yang mencoba untuk mengukur baik produktivitas maupun dampak dari karya yang diterbitkan seorang ilmuwan atau sarjana. Indeks ini didasarkan pada jumlah karya ilmiah yag dihasilkan oleh seorang ilmuwan dan jumlah sitasi (kutipan)p yang diterima dari publikasi lain. Indeks ini juga dapat diterapkan pada produktivitas dan dampak dari sekelompok As said in the other answer, indexing is considered a sort of seal of approval. Historically it most often referred to indexing in the ISI Web of Knowledge citation database, as in a journal is an 'ISI journal', perhaps because WoK was the first s Journal h-index is one measure of the quality of a journal and can be calculated using data from Web of Science, Scopus or Google Scholar. As with the impact factor, journal h-index does not take into account differing citation practices of fields (unlike the weighted SJR and SNIP) and so is best used to compare journals within a field. Scopus2Orcid - Use the Scopus to Orcid Author details and documents wizard to collect all your Scopus records in one unique author profile. The h-index is available in both a graph and a document list from the Analyze Author Output page. The graph displays information as an interactive graph for authors, multiple authors, or a group of selected documents. The graph includes two lines: h-index and the 45 degree line: The h-index represents the number citations received for each of the articles in descending order. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyse and Aflarea indicelui Hirsch din bazele de date Web of Knowledge, Scopus si Google Scholar 1. AFLAREA INDICELUI HIRSCH DIN WEB OF KNOWLEDGE, SCOPUS ŞI GOOGLE SCHOLAR Bibliotecar, Lenuţa Ursachi Tutoriale de cultura informaţiei 2.

Up-to-date information about the h-index can be found on Wikipedia. The h-index can be calculated automatically in Web of Science and Scopus or manually in 

With hexagonal and rhombohedral lattice systems, it is possible to use the Bravais-Miller system, which uses four indices (h k i ℓ) that obey the constraint h + k + i = 0. Here h, k and ℓ are identical to the corresponding Miller indices, and i is a redundant index. Description; f: The font includes up to 256 glyphs. r: Only glyphs on the range of the ASCII codes 32 to 127 are included in the font. u: Only glyphs on the range of the ASCII codes 32 to 95 (uppercase chars) are included in the font. Heliyon is an open access journal publishing scientifically accurate and valuable research across life, physical, social, and medical sciences. Como se puede apreciar en la figura 1, de 25 países Latinoamericanos solo 6 tienen al menos una revista indexada en Scopus que suman 27 revistas, y si a estas les restamos a Brasil, los países de legua española solo suman 10. How do I include all those other papers into Scopus? Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, How can I put my publications into Scopus? Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. Active 11 months ago. CiteScore metrics from Scopus - comprehensive, current and free metrics for source titles in Scopus.

Scopus indexed Chinese journals list Scopus Indexed Journals: Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer-rev Plus d'infos » The h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientis

Web of Science (previously known as Web of Knowledge) is a website which provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.It was originally produced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) and is currently maintained by Clarivate Analytics (previously the Intellectual Property and Science Scopus umbretta, coñecido na literatura internacional con nomes equivalentes a cabeza de martelo, ave martelo ou umbreta, é unha especie de ave pernalta de tamaño medio duns 56 cm de lonxitude e un peso de 470 g. A forma da súa cabeza co seu longo peteiro e crista na parte posterior lembra á dun martelo. Scopus indexed Indian journals JournalsIndexed S copus indexed Indian journals, all Indian journals listed in scopus bas IJET - International Journal of Engineering and Technology Journal H-index Calculator A quick look at the impact on h-index Journal H-index Calculator: Under this name is a statistical in Sections. Agricultural About SciVal. A web-based analytics solution with unparalleled power and flexibility that provides comprehensive access to the research performance of over 14,000 research institutions and their associated researchers from 230 nations worldwide. Indice H su Scopus L'Indice H apparirà sulla destra della schermata che presenta l'analisi citazionale dei lavori selezionati. Importante: la ricerca ignora i dati precedenti il 1996. Indice H su Scopus Cliccando su View h Graph si ottiene il grafico dell'analisi effettuata. Scopus - L'índex h és una funció monòtona en relació a la funció. El càlcul de l'índex h. L'índex h es pot calcular de forma manual a partir de les bases de dades que hi ha internet (com ara Google Scholar). A més a més, algunes bases de dades de pagament com ara Scopus i Web of Knowledge ofereixen eines per calcular-lo de forma automàtica

h index corresponds to a scientist's h of his/her N papers that have been cited at least h times each, while the rest of the N papers have less than h citations each. but The g-index is an index

A Wiki website of Calls For Papers (CFP) of international conferences, workshops, meetings, seminars, events, journals and book chapters in computer science, communications, software engineering, artificial intelligence, machine learning, networking, signal processing, systems etc. Scope is a type of attachment. When the Player aims down sights with a scope weapon,the scope will zoom depending on the type of scope. This makes them useful for long-range weapons. The list of scopes are: Augewehr Scope, Chevron Scope, Makeshift Scope, Cross Scope, 6x Zoom Scope, Shadowstalker How to Create an Index in Word. This wikiHow teaches you how to create an index page in Microsoft Word to look up important terms discussed in a document and the pages they appear on. Open a Microsoft Word document. MS Word lets you add an (pinched from Wikipedia, full link: Cheyne-Stokes respiration) Cheyne-Stokes respiration is an abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by progressively deeper and sometimes faster breathing, followed by a gradual decrease that results in a temporary stop in breathing called an apnea. У наукометричній базі Scopus h-індекс автоматично обраховується для кожного сучасного науковця у світі (за виключенням тих, що не публікуються у рейтингових журналах), ці дані доступні через

Searches in Scopus also incorporate searches of patent databases. Scopus gives four types of quality measure for each title; those are h-Index, CiteScore, SJR 

CiteScore metrics from Scopus - comprehensive, current and free metrics for source titles in Scopus. stos días, cuando finalmente me disponía a acometer la imponente tarea de actualizar mis escasos conocimientos sobre patentes, me encontré con un escollo en Scopus.Me he dirigido a ellos a través del formulario de contacto y también a través de Twitter, y estoy esperando la respuesta. The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values. Causes. While ventricular hypertrophy occurs naturally as a reaction to aerobic exercise and strength training, it is most frequently referred to as a pathological reaction to cardiovascular disease, or high blood pressure. It is one aspect of ventricular remodeling.. While LVH itself is not a disease, it is usually a marker for disease involving the heart. In aggiunta ai dati bibliografici, Scopus offre anche servizi bibliometrici tra cui il calcolo dell'indice di Hirsch (h index). Tali servizi sono stati tra l'altro utilizzati nella prima valutazione della qualità della ricerca pubblica italiana, riferita al periodo 2004-2010, da parte dell'agenzia ANVUR. h指数(エイチしすう、h-Index)とは、物理学者 ジョージ・E・ハーシュが引用索引データベースWeb of ScienceのTimes Cited(被引用数)を元に考案した指標で、論文数と被引用数とに基づいて、科学者の研究に対する相対的な貢献度を示すものである。 ただし引用に関する慣習は研究分野により異なる The keyword search with PubMed offers optimal update frequency and includes online early articles; other databases can rate articles by number of citations, as an index of importance. For citation analysis, Scopus offers about 20% more coverage than Web of Science, whereas Google Scholar offers results of inconsistent accuracy. Hypsiscopus on veemadulaste sugukonna mao perekond.. Klassifikatsioon. Perekonda Hypsiscopus klassifitseeritakse roomajate andmebaasis järgmised mao liigid: . Hypsiscopus matannensis (Boulenger, 1897); Hypsiscopus plumbea (Boie, 1827).; Levila. Neid madusid võib kohata Aasias.. Viited